"Glorified be He who beautifies women
with long locks of hair
And Men with long beards
There is beauty in the beard
Aye, there is beauty in the beard!
Woe to worldly women who mock the beards so!
Desiring husbands with clean shaven faces
Woe to women who mock the Prophets Sunnah
In the name of hygiene, neatness and smooth texture
Indeed the women of this world cannot like the beard
But she who wants Paradise adores the beard!
All the Prophets had beards - yes they did!
Muhammad had a beard - so big! so big!
All the companions had beards - o yes! o yes!
All the sages had beards - I know! I know!
All the wise have beards - tis true! tis true!
All the pious have beards - you see! you see!
All the Muslims have beards!? - if only! if only!
Who did not have beards? The kafirun!
Who had clean shaven faces? The kafirun!
Who grew their moustaches? The kafirun!
"And what did our Prophet order?" I here you ask
He ordered us to lengthen the beard
and trim the moustache!
So indeed I love my beard
And adore the curls and tangles
Which no oil, gel or superglue can ever straighten
My glorious long, curly, messy, fluffy beard!
The playhouse for kids;
The envy of Malaysian people
And the beloved of Allah!
But who care! For my Mum loves it
and she puts all such sisters to disgrace!
Be patient Muslim brothers, who shun
the trendy look for a Prophetic pose
Paradise with the wide eyed Houris
is our final abode!!!!!"
Lawful and Unlawful Money Mixed
2 years ago
maashaa allah...beards are sexy ;)
I don't understand why some men like to shave....I think they look great with their beards, after all it is only natural.....they look more macho and manly...Well, jazaak Allahukhair!
gr8 poem!!Masha Allah!If only all muslims had beards.....May Allah guide us all..
Jazakallah khairan. So sad that so many people who claim to be Muslims do not even care about these matters..
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